Monday, January 29, 2007

The Doorway to Infidelity and its Cure

Cary, IL. Jan 29, 2007 3:49 PM

Just finished with Jon. Jon doesn't know what to do with himself. He's married, two great kids but he's obsessed with Cynthia. She lives 5 hours away but his National Guard duty brings them in frequent contact.

I met his wife, Beth-she's great and has no idea about this. Where cynthia is concerned, Jon says he can't get past the making-out in cars and the excitement of it all.

I ask him to focus on whether or not his current lifestyle is helping or hurting him. He's smart and knows that his constant obsessing about Cynthia who lives 5 hours away drains him of almost all his energy so he can't stay focused on his wife and family.

Maybe I should ask him to list all the ways his affair is harming highlight it.

What do you think would help?

Dr Mike S.; 847 516 0899

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