Tuesday, January 30, 2007

Put Myself in Time-Out?

Cary, IL; 4:13 PM

A couple just left; the wife complained that they couldn't talk about anything without arguing. The husband would rage and sh'd yell back. It could be about punctuality, bills or anything else.

I said the first principle of marriage counseling is Destruction Reduction. Lower the volume in the house...even if you don't talk at all! Get rid of the outer manifestations of hostility.

You do this by putting yourself in "Time-Out" when you feel the tension build up. Give your spouse the time-out sign, explain that you're feeling uncomfortable and explain that you're going in the backyard for 60 minutes after which you'll return to talk it out.

I explained that you had to let the adrenalin drain away before resuming.

The husband said "Time-out; I put my kids in time-out. That's not for me!"


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